Creating Networking Opportunities to Jumpstart your Career

Networking opportunities are important in every career. They open up doors for you to further your career and sometimes even put you at an advantage. These networking opportunities will help you understand how the industry works until you’re able to make it on your own. A little help goes a long way and later on, you can pay it forward to other friends and colleagues in the business.

Be the talent
The first step in creating networking opportunities is to be a worthy contact yourself. Focus on your skill or talent and make sure you devote time to improve on it every day. Attending classes would be good as well because this is where the networking starts. Invest in yourself and in honing your skills so that you can have more opportunities to showcase these talents. Eventually, you will make good friends who will later help you out in your career and vice versa.

Know the hotspots
If you want to do well in the business, you should know where the right place to be is and at the right time. Find events and organizations relevant to your career. Seminars and workshops are also good places to start and the speaker might even be the person who can introduce you to other networking opportunities.

Making a good impression
This is very important; you want to make a good impression without coming on too strong or else your networking opportunities might suffer. You should be casual about it especially when you walk up to a person and introduce yourself. Ask about that person and what he or she does and you should be sincerely interested at all times. Without going overboard, you should be able to sustain a light conversation with that person, enough for him or her to remember you. Bring up topics that are relevant but also not too serious. Throughout the conversation, let them get to know more about you by telling them about your skills and background at the right moment and without dwelling too much on it so that you won’t come off as bragging.

Building up the network
If you’re lucky, you might actually introduce yourself to someone who has quite a large network in that event and he or she might introduce you to other people. In other cases, you will have to make networking opportunities on your own. Relax and be yourself. Be confident and casual in your conversations with industry executives you approach. Keep conversations light but good so that these people will remember you. It’s also good if you know the industry executive’s background beforehand, as this will give him or her a sense that you are really serious about the business and that you are familiar with the industry.

No matter how you approach networking, the most important thing is for you to be confident and comfortable about yourself. The more you are able to relate yourself to important figures in the industry, the better your chances in the business are. So keep on creating networking opportunities for yourself, and you might just be the next big hit.

Networking is the Art of Building Relationships

Benefits of Networking

  • Companies estimate that they fill more than 25% of their positions by networking
  • Earlier chance at an opportunity
  • Building a professional network for the future

What is Networking?

  • It’s a learned skill
  • It’s all about visibility
  • It’s about building alliances, not about job hunting
  • It’s not a replacement for talent, it’s about being recognized as talented

Networking is NOT…

  • A one-way street…it must benefit both parties
  • About gaining the confidence to call strangers to ask for a job
  • Always productive…expect some people to not respond

Networking IS…

  • Maintaining connections and building alliances
  • Often more effective on an informal basis
  • Collecting information, educating yourself about employment opportunities, increasing your list of professional contacts, and informing them of your availability

Tapping the Hidden Job Market

  • Experience shows that networking is a very rich source of:
    • Job leads
    • Information about unpublished job openings
    • Career advice

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